Some of you may have read about the weight-loss diet one Florida physician is prescribing for women who want to lose weight in time for their wedding, using naso-gastric feeding tubes to monitor and regulate their nutritional intake . You can read about it here: is shocking because it is medically dangerous. For a physician to pander in this way to the desire of women obsessed with wanting to lose weight is unscrupulous, unethical, and medically dangerous. Unfortunately too many people are so obsessed that they will do anything for fast and easy weight loss. They will have weight loss surgery because it is being touted as they only reliable means of weight loss for those who are morbidly obese. What they are not informed about are the disasters resulting from weight loss surgery, which include drinking problems in those who never had a drinking problem before, self-induced vomiting in those who never did this before, and even anorexia, depression and suicide attempts. All of these are documented in the scientific literature.I had written about this years ago at
Naso-gastric feeding tubes are used in hospital settings for patients who cannot or will not eat, to prevent them from wasting away and dying of starvation, a very real and necessary use for naso-gastric feeding tubes. To prescribe a naso-gastric feeding tube for someone who is desperate enough to use it to lose weight is a recipe for an eating disorder.. Eating disorders are potentially life-threatening. Physicians take an oath to "above all, do no harm." This doctor is doing harm.